Thyroid disease affects more women than men. Your thyroid is a small gland in the windpipe that produces hormones that affect almost every organ in the body. It controls digestions, mood, respiration, and metabolic processes. It releases hormones into the blood and sometimes it produces to much or not enough hormones.

Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism The Most Common Thyroid Condition

Hyperthyroidism occurs when your thyroid produces too much thyroid hormones. This causes you to lose weight, have trouble tolerating heat, sweating, and often leads to insomnia. Other symptoms are fatigue, anxiety, muscle weakness, and eye problems.
Hypothyroidism occurs when the gland produces too few hormones needed for it to function efficiently. This leads to weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, depression, dry skin, constipation, hoarse voice, weakness, thinning hair, and memory problems.
When you have a thyroid problem, your doctor will give you a TSH blood test to measure the levels of the hormones. They may find your thyroid is producing too much or too little of the necessary hormones.
They may prescribe taking medications, beta blockers, radio iodine therapy, or surgery. Sometime a special diet is encouraged to help manage your symptoms along with the medication.
Food To Avoid or Reduce The Amount Eaten With Thyroid Disease

You do not necessarily have to avoid these food but cut down on the amount that you eat. Reduce foods with high levels of iodine as that sometimes increases the symptoms of thyroid disease
Cut down on:
Iodized Salt
Grains, cereal, and some breads
Seaweed and kelp
Poultry and egg yolks
Dairy products
Red dye
Processed baked goods
Cut Down On These Vegetables, Soy Products, Gluten, and Caffeine

Some vegetables should be cooked not eaten raw with thyroid disease. They may cause a goiter or other symptoms. Cook broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussell sprouts if you have thyroid disease.
Soy products like soy milk, tofu, soy sauce and soybean oil can aggravate thyroid disease. You should reduce or avoid using these products completely.
Gluten in bread and pasta can cause symptoms with thyroid. Either reduce or avoid bread and pasta and other products made with wheat, barley, oats, and rye.
Cut back on beverages with caffeine like coffee, black tea, chocolate, regular soda, and energy drinks.
Foods Dietitians and Doctors Recommend Eating
Eat foods low in iodine. These foods are fresh fruits and vegetables, grass fed beef, chicken, turkey, veal and lamb without hormones or antibiotics, olive oil, avocado oil, nuts, nut butters, herbs, and spices. This is often prescribed for those getting radioactive iodine treatment.
Those taking hormone medications may find food with selenium help the body process thyroid hormones. These foods are Brazil nuts, rice, baked beans, oatmeal and spinach. Other foods with selenium are tuna, halibut, shrimp, ham, egg yolks, and fortified pasta.
It is advised to eat food with iron that carry oxygen to cells. These foods are spinach, turkey, beef, chicken and pork. Other foods are beans fish, and whole grain cereal. Look for calcium and Vitamin D in milk, juices, kale and Bok choy.
Patients with low thyroid hormones often eat food with zinc. These can be found in yogurt, pumpkin seeds, lean beef and poultry, and beans.
Websites With Healthy Recipes For Your Thyroid
Food to Avoid For Hyperthyroidism and Food To Enjoy Dr. Ruscio, 2025
Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid With Hyperthyroidism, by Shannon Johnson, Medical News Today, January 2024
The Best and Worst Foods For Your Thyroid According to Dietitians by Countney Southwick, M.S. Eating Well, February 9, 2024
Hypothyroidism Foods to Eat and Food to Enjoy by Shannon Johnson, Medical New Today, March 6, 2023