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National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month


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Can Diet and Food Improve Migraines and Chronic Headaches

The National Headache Foundation suggest a well balanced diet can help you control headaches. They recommended 3 meals a day and healthy snacks with fiber and protein. If you take prescription medication or over the counter medications for headaches you may benefit from a low tyramine diet.

You will find that food can cause headaches. The headache will happen in 30 minutes to 72 hours. When you use a daily food dairy to keep track of what you eat and when your headaches occur this will help you pinpoint which foods might be the trigger.

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Food That Cause Headaches and Other Triggers

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Some foods trigger headaches easily. These foods are alcohol, red wine, chocolate, caffeine in coffee, tea, and soda, sulfites in food, raw onion, MSG, aspartame, aged cheese, citrus fruits, juices, carbonated beverages and fermented foods.

Skipping meals and eating the wrong foods can cause a headache. That is because it cause a change in the blood sugar levels. Fasting for long periods of time can cause headaches. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame can elevate amino acids in the brain causing headaches Red wine has compounds that trigger migraines in some people.

Other headache triggers are lack of sleep, stress, nuts, milk, and processed meat. Dietians and doctors have found some diets help with headache symptoms. These diets are:

  • Low Fat Diet

  • Ketogenic Diet

  • Atkins Diet

  • Low Sodium Diet

  • Low Tyramine Diet

Some dietitians say that you can prevent headaches through the right food choices. The recommend eating regular meals, healthy snacks with protein, and fiber, and restricting food that trigger headaches. Before going on any diet check with your doctor or healthcare professional. They may be able to refer you to a dietician or nutritionist that can help you.

Low Tyramine Diet For Headaches

Photo Source: Tasnimnews

Photo Source: Health 8-9 Web English

This diet allows you to eat the following items:

  • Fresh, meat, poultry ,and eggs

  • Canned and frozen foods

  • Milk

  • Fresh cheese, soy milk, and soy cheese

  • Bread, dry cereal and pasta

  • Vegetables

  • Fruit

  • Homemade soups

  • Caffeine free beverages

  • Oil and fats

  • spices

  • herbs

What to Avoid

  • Heavily salted deli meats salami, pepperoni, and liverwurst

  • Hotdogs, bacon, ham, bologna, and corned beef

  • Aged cheese

  • Sour dough bread

  • Pickles, fermented foods, and fava beans,

  • Nuts

  • Soy products

  • Alcoholic beverages

  • Limit citrus fruits to 1/2 cup a day

Two site to check for recipes and guidelines are The Dizzy Cook Recipes For Migraines and Headaches

Migraine Strong Education, Strength and Hope

Photo Source: Fertilitypedia


National Headache Foundation

Experts Perspectives Is There Such a Thing As a Migraine Diet? By Jillian Kubla, Registered Dietitian, and Deena E. Kuruvilla M.D. board certified neurologist and headache specialist Medical News Today April 2022

Low Tyramine Diet For Individual with Headaches or Migraines-The Headaches Organization

Animation Source: Giphy/Travis

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